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Wildlife in Akagera National Park

Wildlife In Akagera National Park

Akagera National Park is Rwanda’s only destination for superb wildlife viewing adventures, the savannah Park is located in Kayonza district found in the eastern province of Rwanda. Wildlife in Akagera National Park is teaming in huge numbers of over 8000 large mammals from the recent count, with various large herbivorous mammals, predators, abundant birdlife, primates, reptiles, amphibians and these majorly feature the big 5 animals that are exhilarating to sight within this calm wilderness.

Among the big 5 mammals which are the biggest highlight of Wildlife in Akagera National Park includes Elephants, an estimated number of more than 80 individuals make the current population of elephants in Akagera. More than 20 eastern black Rhinoceros and a huge population of over 2,093 buffaloes are also present in the park. The predators that are among the big 5 mammals group present in Akagera National Park are the lions which are estimated to be up to 40 individuals and the leopard that range between 15 – 20 individuals, other small predators present in the park are Jackals and several mongoose.

Wildlife in Akagera National ParkLarge mammals that make the superb Wildlife in Akagera National Park includes a great number of the Maasai Giraffes, hippopotamus which visitors can watch in big schools at the hippo’s beach or on a boat cruise in Lake Ihema and other wildlife species widely seen in Akagera plains such as zebras, crocodiles, warthogs, and the several species of antelopes that include impalas, defassa waterbucks, Topis, bushbucks, roan antelope, klipspringer, duikers, oribi, bohor reedbuck and the cape eland.

Wildlife species in Akagera National Park are truly abundantly diverse and superb, they also feature primate species such as the olive baboons mostly seen in large numbers and Vervet monkeys plus blue monkeys as well as bush babies which are the rarest to spot in the park.

Lion in Akagera National ParkIn the breathtaking landscapes of Akagera National Park that include important bird areas such as papyrus swamps, roam a variety of hundreds of bird species, the estimated recorded number of avifauna is over 480 bird species. Visitors are able to sight rare and beautiful birds such as the shoe bill and papyrus gonolek as well as the local red faced barbet and the swamp flycatcher amongst many others.

There are full/Half day and Night Game drives in Akagera National Park that help visitors to watch these amazing Wildlife species found in the park while traversing across the quiet savannah plains and wilderness of Akagera. You can as well do an exciting boat trip on Lake Ihema that gives more opportunities to sight both animals roaming around the lake, the aquatic species such as crocodiles and hippos plus abundant birdlife.

Reach out to us to arrange for you a highly customized Wildlife viewing safari in Akagera National Park which you can as well combine with a Gorilla trekking adventure in Volcanoes National Park.

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