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Fishing in Rwandan Lakes

Fishing In Rwandan Lakes

Rwanda is a landlocked country with an estimated surface of 26,338 Sq. Km of which 1390 is the water surface. Fishing activities are done in most of the lakes in Rwanda the biggest being Kivu lake which occupies the 7th place in Africa in size. Other lakes include Lake Muhazi, Mugesera, Lake Ihema, Burera and Ruhondo twin lakes. Fishing also takes place in some rivers including Akagera, Nyabarongo, Akanyaru and Sebeya. Artisanal fishing in Rwandan lakes has been practiced for decades by small fishers and farmers, with increased value of fish over the years, there has been increase in fishing capacity along with fishing malpractices leading to overfishing in all the waters.

The national fish production is estimated at 13,000 tons of which capture fisheries contribute 9,000 tons and aquaculture 4,000 tons. Rwanda is far a net importer of fish from neighboring Uganda and Tanzania.

Fishing in Rwandan lakes is done by local communities using imported fishnets and locally made wood canoes. Fish species found in Rwandan lakes includes clabis, barbus, nile tilapia, Tanganyika sardine, amphilius, Mormyrus and many more

Spot Fishing in Rwandan Lakes

Although the fishing industry in Rwanda is not well developed, that cannot be said of the tourism sector. From a small country like Rwanda tourism has been a success story. The government is using her meager resources to propel the country as a leading tourism destination in East and Central Africa. The success of the tourism industry has also benefited the fishing industry. Apart from visiting the Capital city of Kigali, going for a wildlife safari or gorilla trekking, tourism also wants to swim and fish in the country’s waters.

Fishing in Rwandan Lakes

Where to do sport Fishing in Rwandan lakes?

Selected spots have been identified as places to do fishing in Rwandan lakes. The following are the places that one can go for fishing in Rwandan lakes:

Akagera National Park. The park derives its name from river Akagera which feeds Lake Shakani and Lakes Ihema. The two lakes are arguably the best place for sport fishing in Rwanda. Apart from fishing the lakes are home to other creatures like crocodiles and hippos. Fishing spots are carefully chosen and safe from these predators.

Fishing in Rwanda Lakes has a catch and release policy though you can have one catch prepared for your meal. Fishing in Akagera lakes requires a fishing permit. You also need to have your own fishing equipment. The main fishing method used is by using hooks and the dominant species is tilapia. During the fishing trip, one can also go for game drive in search of the big five that the Akagera National Park is known for, bird watching as the same park counts over 500 bird species as well as boat cruise.

Lake Kivu is another spot for fishing in Rwandan Lakes. Shared by both Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo, Lake Kivu stretches 89 Kilometers long, 48 kilometers wide and 240 meters deep. Small towns and big cities line the shores framed by the region’s famous rolling hills and towering volcanoes. It is the sixth largest lake in Africa and is free from bilharzia, crocodile and hippos. When thinking of fishing in Rwandan lakes, Lake Kivu is a good choice as it has commercial and sport fishing. The main species of fish here are sardines, Sambaza and Ndugu. These are small species which are often caught in nets and removed by hand by local fishermen. If you are planning on fishing in Kivu lake, you need to come with your own equipment.

A special expedition is a famous fishermen’s experience. With this experience a tourist joins fishermen who spend every night out on the crystalline water searching for Sambaza (a fish similar to a small sardine). Although the practice is global, the process is unique to the region. The fishermen’s nightly journey across the lake with their melodic songs and brightly lit lanterns is truly captivating. To join this expedition, a tourist needs to be ready at around 4:30 at the lake shore to witness the entire process from preparation of boats, nets and teaming up to head into the lake. A tourist needs to have booked a separate boat with a guide on board to serve as a translator to explain to you what is happening.

Lake Burera and Ruhondo also known as the twin lakes is another spot for fishing in Rwandan lakes. They are situated on the southern slopes of Mt Muhabura in Northern Province of Rwanda at 1862 meters above sea level with 12 kilometers long and eighteen Kilometers wide as well as a maximum depth of 173 meters. They are two small islands in the lakes. Fishing at the twin lakes can be done with the island fishermen who have experience with the lakes and can give you more accurate information about the lake. While fishing, you will be left wondering as you see children, women and men rowing their boats within the lake. Fishing in Burera and Ruhondo lakes is done using local traditional methods which makes it more enjoyable. Canoeing and boat cruises can be done in the lakes even if tourists don’t engage in any activity, taking a boat trip is simply breathtaking while observing the fishing activity at a closed distance.

Fishing in Rwandan Lakes can also take place at Lake Muhazi situated in the eastern part of Rwanda. It is only a 40 minutes’ drive from Kigali. Fishing at Lake Muhazi is one of the rewarding activities that tourists take part in and enjoy their time in a cool and breathtaking environment. Fishing at LakeMuhazi, one needs to have his own equipment. Some of the fish that can be found in the lake Muhazi is marbled lungfish, Nile Tilapia, blue spotted tilapia. At the end, you can take the catched fishes at your resort for preparation and enjoy the fruit of the hard work.

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